Starring: Steevie & Ryanne
**FULL 1920X1080 HD**
A Sentry in charge of protecting a hideout that is controlled by Ninjas is pacing around, looking for any signs of intrusion. Agent Ryanne, who is put on task to go in and eradicate the sentry to secure the location and take out the Ninja cells. As the Sentry moves around the place she keeps her eyes out for anything that might jeopardize or breech the lines. The agent waits for the Sentry to move past her as she crouches down, then springs up like a predator cat and gets the taller Sentry in a choke hold from behind. The Sentry fights and scratches, even throwing an elbow into the ribs of the Agent, but she is prepared and very used to the same moves the ninja and Sentry use in their arsenal. She takes the Sentry down to the sofa where she continues to choke her out. The Sentry fights, kicking her long legs, bucking her hips and sticking her tongue way out, and her wide eyed expressions. The Agent continues to choke her out until she is out cold. The Agent then rolls her on to the floor and starts to undress her slowly, feeling her up and groping her body as she undresses the Sentry. She rolls her back and forth, kissing, and sucking on her neck breasts and tummy. She flops and rag dolls the unconscious Sentry and after a while of undressing, kissing, and rag dolling the Sentry, she starts to respond to her killer's sensual kisses and licking. The Agent knows that soon she will be waking up and so she gets the Sentry sitting up so she can finish her off. She stands over the sitting sentry and grasps her chin and head, moving it back and forth a few times to test the neck and it's range. After a few times she puts her whole body into the break and a loud crack is heard as she folds to the floor, dead. The Agent checks for a pulse and there is none. She opens the sentry's eyelids and checks her pupils. She is dead but she likes to make sure, so she straddles the body of the sentry to check her, then goes to above her head and crouches down. She does a quick neck break to make sure, then checks her again before she leaves, taking a souvenir bra, and saying it with a grin. On to the next Ninja Cell to take out some more.
Steevie is very sexy, I love her body so tall and full of form. Ryanne is just the ultimate fetish performer. I have yet to see her not give it her all. I mean if I was a Sentry, I would want those sweet breasts in my face too as I was being K.O.'d CB
Run Time: 20:25 minutes
File Size: 600 MB Format: .MP4
Clip Duration: 21 minutes |
Format | Size | m4v | 604.33 MB |
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